Serve We believe that following Jesus is a call to ACTION. At NECC, there are a variety of ways to use your gifts and talents in Christ’s service. Visit our "Connect" page to learn more. How would you like to put your skills to use? Committees (Christian Education, Membership, Memorial, Outreach, Stewardship, Trustees, Worship) Dance Drama Environmental Care Faith Sharing Financial Support or Finance Team Hospitality (Welcoming, Meals or Social Events) Musical Arts Outreach Projects (Laundry Love, Christmas collections for children/families, County Fair Food Booth, Sending cards and notes, etc.) Prayer Chain (Praying for the specified requests of others) Property/Maintenance Teaching (Children or Adults) Technology (IT Team, Audio-Visual Team, PowerPoint, etc.) Visual Arts Wholeness Ministries (Food or Wellness & Fitness programs) Worship Support (Preparation/Clean-up, Visual Displays, Leading Worship, etc.) Writing Arts Pray (Prayer Chain, to pray for individuals requesting prayer for specific needs; or Pray-and-Go, an evangelism/care program to pray for individual households in your neighborhood) Other Name Email